Friday, January 25, 2008

many little ditties

So, I guess I was boredly inspired by a couple of fellow bloggers to do a comparison to "100 things about me"; not just to share my bidness, but to look back a year or ten years from now to see how things have changed. And I suppose, see if I could actually think of that many things.

1. I can honestly say that much of the lessons I've learned throughout my life, I have learned from my mother...whether I realized it at the time or not.

2. I am intensely aggravated by narcissistic people in authoritative positions who make people paranoid about the schedules they've had for years. I've never quite experienced this until lately.

3. My son exceeds all and compares to none.

4. The only time I have ridden in an ambulance was with my mother. The EMT said "I bet she'll be fine when we get some sugar in her". After 15 excruciatingly painful days, we all know how that ended. I've learned not to put as much stock into what professionals say on a whim. In turn, relevant to my own profession, I try to watch what I say because someone may be putting that much stock into me.

5. As a result of #4, I've lost a lot of faith in medicine, unfortunately.

6. I feel lost without my cell phone. I'm certain that I will have a blow out on my car or be stranded on the one day I forget it at home.

7. People have told me that they appreciate my writing and have been "inspired" by me. Although it's hard for me to see it, the compliment means the world to me.

8. My all time favorite movie is Newsies. I can count on 3 fingers the number of people that I know have seen it. Me, Troy (when I made him watch it), and my friend Shawna.

9. I really miss college. I feel like I was most myself then, with exception to being a mommy - which feels most like home.

10. I wish that I had more in common with my sister.

11. I went to Europe in high school. I wish that I could go back now, when I would appreciate everything that I saw just a little bit more.

12. Although I will never do it, I really admire the Duggar Family of SEVENTEEN children (here in Arkansas). Amazing how she seems to easily manage all those kids, and Britney Spears can't keep custody of 2. She should take a memo.

13. If it's on sale, and you think that someone...ever...just might could use 5..or better yet, buy 50. (see #1).

14. I have a ridiculously keen sense of smell. Ask my old roommates about that - since they made fun of me all the time for it. "It smells like frozen pizza in here!"

15. I now, never underestimate what I'm capable of actually handling. Before when I may have said "oh, I could NEVER imagine that!!" I've experienced a few of my worst fears, and some how or another, I have muddled through it.

16. I think I have the best wedding video I've ever seen. It is beautiful. (ahem, I don't think the same about my wedding photos, unfortunately.

17. I worked at a youth psychiatric facility doing intake assessments. A 5-year old punted a conference table centerpiece across the room during my first month.

18. My friend Melissa is such a little entrepreneur. I love it and I wish I had more of that skill...and/or time. She is also an inspiration of love for one lucky little child. She's strictly badass. A hypochondriac badass, but badass, nonetheless. ;)

19. I have a lot of really talented and amazing friends.

20. I hate surveys that ask, "if you were a crayon, what color would you be".

21. I hate character limits.

22. My favorite tv show of all times is probably Six Feet Under. If it isn't on your Netflix que, its one I would most definitely recommend. It's amazing.

22. I abhor cigarettes, smoke, and anything related thereto. I wish there was ten million gazillion percent tax on cancer sticks. The tax from each state could probably pay each public school teacher triple salary, and still have enough for politicians to purchase sex and drugs with.

23. I worked at a daycare during summers for 4 years. It was the best time I ever had earning a whopping $5.25 an hour.

24. At aforementioned daycare, I blew out an engine in the van coming back from Wild River Country.

25. I have a complete closet full of really great clothes, most of which I cant currently wear, but I can't bring myself to throw them away.

26. I'm kind of a pack rat (see #25). I feel liberated when I throw something away.

27. The current Sonic commercials with TJ and Pete are funny to me, however, I am VERY ANNOYED with the fact that the "seat belts" are more like girl scout sashes. They can't expect us to believe that a safety restraint drapes from behind your back, around the collarbone, and across the chest. It HAS to attach to the vehicle SOMEWHERE.

28. I have met several people off the internet...and I'm still alive.

29. At present, I would consider myself spiritually confused.

30. I am very, very, close to my Me-Ma. We talk every single day. I smile every time I hear her tell Bryson that he's "a Me-Ma baby". She has the most adorable voice when she speaks to him. It makes me incredibly sad to think of the reality that she will be yet another person in MY life that he won't have the privilege to grow up knowing.

31. When I left college, I counted about 50-60 sorority t-shirts. In retrospect, that was equivalent to 3 months rent.

32. When my sister and I would ask where something was (i.e. Where are my keys at?). Our parents would ALWAYS say "behind the at". It's the main grammatical rule that actually hit home, although I only catch myself after I do it.

33. I wish I had more time to work out. I feel guilty taking my baby from daycare to another daycare. He is typically equally as unexcited about it.

34. I have had only 2 real loves in my life, both entirely different.

35. I'm a sucker for kids talent shows, and in particular, kids who can tap dance. Maybe that's due to number 23.

36. I really hated high school.

37. I was semi-forced to go to my prom. It really wasn't worth the trouble, but I think my mom wanted to help pick out a dress. I was very moody trying to find mentioned dress. I think I probably cried sometime during the process.

38. I sometimes watch Hannah Montana, lol. Ok, ok..and The Suite Life with Zack and Cody.

39. I can't believe I just admitted #38.

40. While I was in Europe in high school (see #11) a greek guy named Fadii fell madly in love with me. He called me at home everyday for at least 6 months. He would ask me everyday if I was happy. This still makes Ashley and I belly laugh. She will die laughing when she reads that.

41. I'm still friends with, and talk to, my ex-boyfriend of 5 years. Some people think that's odd, but he's a very important part of my life and I don't want to imagine my life without him somehow in it.

42. When I was in high school, I worked for TCBY. I was probably one of the reasons why it's closed now, lol. I cannot confirm nor deny anything that might have taken place at that location due to possible legal ramifications. HA!

43. I look really stupid in hats. This guy however, does not look stupid in hats.

44. I love warm, cuddly socks from Eddie Bauer.

45. I have a semi-obsession with flip flops.

46. I can text message with my eyes closed...and while driving. No, its not safe. But I don't look at the keys - that's how I rationalize it, I guess.

47. In college I was in Alpha Xi Delta, a Sigma Tau Gamma rose, Student Government Association, Psychology Club, Psi Chi, and Gamma Beta Phi.

48. I've never driven anywhere far by myself. Nor have I changed a tire. This is relevant to #6.

49. Every month, I test at least 6-8 borderline intelligence high school students who want to be "graphic designers to make video games". Internally, I roll my eyes every time.

50. My husband plays in a band. I can't understand a word of the screams, but he likes it.

51. I understand a FICO score.

52. I had a C-Section with my baby. I'm glad I didn't have to push. More than that, when he asks me where babies come from, I can proudly show him the scar and avoid an otherwise uncomfortable conversation all together.

53. My old roommate used to compulsively pluck her eyebrows. You know who you are, lol.

54. My mom and I started playing bunko with a group of wonderful ole gals over a year ago. I miss her terribly every time we play, sometimes so much that I really don't want to go. I go anyways, and cry on the way home. Every time.

55. I always write thank you notes when someone has given or done something nice for me. I lose respect easily for people who don't. (see #1). I've probably written literally thousands over my life.

56. I hold a professional license. It was a complete pain in my ass (and checkbook) to get.

57. I passed at the highest level on above mentioned licensure test. I'm proud of that, and worked very hard for it.

58. I wear contacts. I am very, very, very poor of sight. I should get lasik but I'm scared of going blind if the dr. screws up or missed his venti triple shot that day.

59. I am very dry humored, and very sarcastic. Apparently, I also like to use the word "very" based on the last 3 sentences.

60. Sometimes I peruse the ACIC database online to see who I know from my hometown. I also scan the sex-offender website to see where they all are. Coincidentally, I found someone that I actually dated. I was horrified and embarrassed. No, I was never offended upon by him.

61. I totally agree with the online sex sting operations. I went to high school with someone who got busted for it. He has 2 children. It makes me want to vomit and they should all fry.

62. I have a master's degree.

63. My first CD was Blind Melon.

64. My husband and I LOVE watching To Catch a Predator... some of those tools are just simply entertaining. "uh, can you give me a ride home?"

65. I love musicals.

66. The day I bought my wedding dress was nearly one of the most horrific days. The actual dress shopping was great. The 4-5 hours that ensued after we left that building were sheer hell, and I wish that I could forget them.

67. I play bunko with a group of wonderful ladies, and joined with my mom a year ago. It gets harder and harder to go now without her there. I play, and then cry on the way home.

68. I have a little pup named Sophie. Her previous owner called her white trash because she tinkled on the floor all the time, lol. We think she's great.

69. If this were anonymous, I would likely write much, much, more detail.

70. My living room floor currently looks like a Toys R Us...and I love it.

71. My spellchecker isn't working on blogger currently, and its completely irritating to me.

72. I love photography, but I lack confidence in it. I'm afraid that people won't like it.

73. I don't know how to change a tire; nor do I know how to drive a standard. In addition, I have little desire to learn how to do either.

74. Bryson finally got a new teacher at his daycare (April 08). He absolutely loves her. He goes right to her and never cries when I drop him off with her. It lessens the guilt that I typically have leaving such a cute thing crying.

75. Amendment to #74: Bryson's teacher, Ms. Sherry quit (May 08). Ugh.

76. Memorial day 08 just passed. I find myself becoming more and more jaded and pissy at the fact that all my friends are on the lake and at cookouts...and I'm at my mothers house for hours on end (Bryson had a weekend at the grandparents) going through endless mounds of stuff, cleaning, and finding several stinky, dead mice in areas of the house that haven't seen light of day in decades.

77. Yarnells made a watermelon sherbert in celebration of Riverfest. I didn't get to go to Riverfest, but the sherbert is muy delicioso!

78. My friend Justin coined the phrase "skignitty tart". It's one of my favorite things to say in certain company. :) Yeah, you know who you are.

79. I have recently started to like crushed red pepper on pizza, but only the type that comes out of a sealed package. I held a disdain for red pepper after an incident at The Villa in Little Rock where small bugs inhabited the shaker after being left in the outside dining area for too long. I literally saw some jumpers in the chicken parm across the table from me. It was disturbing, but a funny story now with the group of friends we were with. No bugs were ingested thankfully.